Archive for Courier-Journal

Courier-Journal proves my point

Posted in Courier-Journal, Family, Kentucky, Life, Louisville Kentucky, Michael Burks, News, Uncategorized, USA News, Women, World News with tags , , , on May 28, 2009 by Michael Burks

The Courier-Journal like always, rejected and refused to print my pro-Christian letter. Unlike the pro-gay marriage writers who write un-biblical lies based on everything but facts; they seem to have no issue printing their lies.

This is about the 20th time this year one of my letters have been rejected. Pam Platt, of the Courier-Journal, is a feminist left-wing Jesus hater. That is a fact. This can be easily seen in their pro-abortion, pro-gay right and anti-Christian marriage. I don’t blame the bad economy on people canceling their subscriptions. People who have morals and values have much better things to read than Pam Platt and the CJ’s lies.

My letter to the Courier-Journal – ungodly newspaper of Louisville, KY

Posted in Catholic Church, Courier-Journal, History, Hollywood, Kentucky, Life, Louisville Kentucky, Michael Burks, News, Uncategorized, USA News with tags , , on May 26, 2009 by Michael Burks

I laughed out loud after reading the letter by the writer who made the claim that Jesus never spoke out against gay marriage. What Bible does he read from? I own 12 translations and quickly came across Matthew 19:4. Jesus clearly states marriage is between a man and a woman. I would pay money if this writer could find one verse in the Bible where Jesus says homosexual marriage is accepted.


Of course what should I expect from a person who supports gay marriage? I shouldn’t be shocked he is ignorant in regards to Scripture. Of course Jesus stated that those who follow Him can understand Him. This writer, along with homosexuals, can’t (John 8:47).


Hopefully the Courier-Journal (I know they won’t) will actually do research before posting such ignorant comments which are anti-Christian. The writer should also read what the prophet Hosea (4:10) once said and take his advice, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”